Sunday, August 24, 2008

Na-kel Allah

Undoubtably so, Na-kel is probably one of the most colorful characters I've met so far on this block. Beside Gomez and Thomas, Na-kel not only brings out some insane laughter , but he's pretty ill on the skateboard. Today was a pretty busy Sunday. I know over at the 5th Umi was slightly dying of boredom. But, what can  you do? 
Na-kel was with Pat and I the whole entire day. I bought him a drink and food, he even ate all my candy. It was chill because he entertains for a good amount of time, not only in dancing, but whatever words come out of his mouth is pretty hilarious for him only being 14 years young.

Besides Na-kel we're definitely getting the rest of the fall drop ready this thursday the 28th of August. While everyone else is at MAGIC, we're over here handling all the goods for you to purchase. KEEP YOUR EYE OUT on The Hundreds blog. I'm certain Bobby will post a little something.

- mike.

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